Mercy in The Mercury...and Other Good News


By News Journalist Stacy Case

For nearly 30 years, God has blessed me with a daily front row seat to history.  Though I know I fall short, He made me and called me to be a daily documentarian of triumph over tribulation, good versus evil and His almighty power to oversee it all.

As a news journalist, I’ve witnessed firsthand how God works in and through so many seemingly hopeless situations and I’ve been humbled to bring the world evidence of God’s love, one story at a time.  I don’t know how it’s possible that anyone can do what I do professionally and not believe there is a God!  To see the things people overcome in miraculous ways and the beautiful human spirit of kindness, love, joy, peace and hope on display in everyday life, in the best and worst of times, is a true blessing.

Our current worldwide pandemic, contagion, pestilence -- whatever you want to call it -- is just that…. another scenario completely in God’s control.  It may feel scary, uncertain, even like we’re living out a Hollywood movie scene right now, but I personally can’t wait to one day report the good news of how this calamity ultimately made us all better.

How do I know there will be such good news to report?

I have seen God’s miraculous mercy so many times in my nearly 50 years here on earth and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, we will see His miraculous mercy as we are passing through this pandemic and on the other side of these current events.

Just one example I’ve experienced is His “mercy in the mercury.”  But before I get to that story, I have to share about an early triumph over tragedy I went through in my childhood.  It defined how I would face later adversities in life.

As a child, I was molested by my neighbor.  He served as a fellow deacon in church with my dad and lived nearby.  His wife was my babysitter.  I told my parents, they called the police, I agreed to testify against him and he pleaded guilty. Subsequently, several other young girls from our neighborhood came forward saying he’d been doing the same thing to them.  No one else had spoken up.

So, very early on, I learned through this tragedy how to turn evil into good:  by speaking up and standing up for what’s right.  I found the courage to do it by listening to God’s voice inside of me.

I have seen God’s miraculous mercy in the amazing way He gave me grace to cast aside bitterness and instead, put on His armor (Ephesians 6:10-18) and resolve to stand up for what’s right and good.  I learned right then and there, in my childhood, something important about adversity:

God will use our most challenging struggles for good, every single time if we will just trust His plan through our struggles and ask Him how it can be used for good.

I have seen God’s miraculous mercy growing up with a mom who had Crohn’s disease.  She had more than a dozen surgeries and colon resections and died after one of her surgeries.  She flatlined while we were standing there in her hospital room.  Flatlined! Nurses and doctors came running from all directions, they whisked us out of the room and brought her back to life.

If I ever doubted the existence of God, Mom quelled all of that.  She explained how during that time, God allowed her to peer into heaven. She said she was standing at the feet of Jesus and all she saw was a bright light. She said she kissed his feet and suddenly, she was back here on earth, alive. I saw God’s healing in her life over and over again from Crohn’s disease…then in two bouts with breast cancer.  In 2015, Mom got her ultimate and eternal healing when she went to heaven forever, and I know she’s having a ball there right now.

Some books I have found comforting about heaven as I worked through the grief are [linked at bottom in reSOURCEs]:  Imagine Heaven, Heaven Is For Real90 Minutes In Heaven, and Appointments With Heaven (gifted to me by Lisa Hentrich, the creator of God and My Girlfriends Stories. Thank you, Lisa!). 

I have seen God’s miraculous mercy in my own health journey.  At 37, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis after I woke up one day and could not walk.  I’d recently had some dental work and had new silver fillings placed in my mouth, because a dentist told me my old silver fillings were cracked and needed to be replaced.  Shortly afterwards, all of my neurological symptoms started to appear.  Ultimately, God led me on a path of healing revealed to me by people I consider to be his angels here on earth.  I learned that silver fillings are 50% mercury, and I was having a neurological reaction to mercury poisoning!

My miraculous recovery is outlined in the documentary, “Evidence of Harm”. My website, , is packed with resources to help anyone else who may suspect heavy metal toxicity as the root cause of disease.  It is my testimony of God’s divine and miraculous healing by following in His footsteps.

God has blessed me deeply by allowing me to counsel thousands of sick people by phone and email about this divine pathway to restored heath.  He knew once He healed me, I would continue standing up for His truth. I was undiagnosed of M.S. after five years of annual checkups and have been well, healed and cured for nearly 12 years now!

In these ways and others, God has worked through me.  Once again giving me the courage to stand up for what’s right, I was able to testify before the FDA about the dangers of silver mercury fillings.  Though it’s been a long tough road, the regulations have tightened on these types of fillings, and fewer and fewer dentists are now using them because of the awareness I’ve been so blessed to be a part of.

And so.  THIS is how I know there will be good news to report in this midst of, and on the other side of, what our world is going through right now: 

I have seen God’s miraculous mercy!

In my childhood tragedy.

In my mother’s healing and heavenly experiences.

In the comfort of others’ stories when I was going through grief.

In my own healing journey of His mercy in the mercury.

Even in the midst of bad news I’ve had to report-- including corona virus current events-- I have seen God’s miraculous mercy.  This is a time like no other to draw close to His goodness, turn your heart toward Him…you will see it, too!  

About Stacy Case

Stacy Case poses with her husband and two children in a city canal.

Stacy Case’s career as a television journalist spans nearly 30 years. She is working as the main anchor at Fox Nashville. Her past work includes reporting as national correspondent on CBS News, CBS Morning News, CBS Early Show, CBS Weekend Edition, and CBS Up to the Minute. Along with her passion for uncovering and reporting truth, has also owned a production company and worked in “fun TV” on the lifestyle cable side as well.  You may have seen her as the ‘Shopping Mom’ on Fine Living Network’s “American Shopper”, or on HGTVPro Weekly offering builders advice for weathering housing downturns.

Stacy has always considered the stories that matter most are the ones that effect change and instill hope. “It’s one thing to cover a story. It’s another to offer solutions, to right a wrong, to help where all hope was lost.” It’s for this reason that Stacy is sharing her own personal story. Stacy lives in Nashville with her husband of 23 years, Chris Stout. They have two children, Grace and Heath.

For more information about Stacy’s work, philanthrophy efforts and her personal journey of healing from an M.S. diagnosis related to mercury poisoning, visit her website

Stacy’s reSOURCEs

“Evidence of Harm” documentary: My story of healing from M.S. diagnosis My website packed with heavy metal toxicity information

Sermon from Dr. David Jeremiah to consider - “Is the Coronavirus in the Bible?”

Joyce Meyer daily app

Stacy’s book recommendations:

Battlefield of the Mind - Joyce Meyer

Imagine Heaven- John Burke

Heaven Is For Real - Todd Burpo

90 Minutes In Heaven - Don Piper

Appointments With Heaven - Dr. Reggie Anderson


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