GAMGstories by Lisa Hentrich

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Something Beautiful

By Amanda Blankenship,

About four years ago, I found myself in need of counseling. I’d been working non-stop, getting a master’s degree, and trying to take care of a family while trying to sort out my own personal calling.  At the same time, situations I hadn’t dealt with from the past surfaced with some very present turmoil that could no longer be ignored.  It all added up to a breakdown. I was left undone.  I felt like I’d failed myself and my family somehow, because I couldn’t manage it all. And...

I felt like I’d failed God, because I needed “outside” help.  Somehow, this equated in my mind to my faith is not strong enough to see me through this.

I couldn’t have been more wrong.  God uses people and our walk with Him to grow and strengthen our faith.  I sought counseling for an entire year, and I encourage anyone who is going through something like this to do the same.  My process with my counselor was not only invaluable in helping me talk and pray through the turmoil, but also in helping recognize where and why I needed boundaries.  Saying “yes” too often, and overcomitting myself to please others, was a habit I didn’t realize had contributed to the weight I’d been carrying.  My time with my counselor was invaluable in helping me learn when and how to say “no”  -- it’s not a bad thing, it’s a healthy thing.

Along with the help of my counselor, one particular girlfriend in my life was a tremendous support to me.  Through my entire year of counseling, Megan Parker was there. She made it easy to lean on her, because she never asked why or what was wrong or wanted “all the details”… she was just there. I could call or text her anytime, day or night, and she would encourage and pray with me.  I remember one day, we got in the car and drove 30 minutes to the nearest pet store, just to hold puppies! (Now if holding those cute and cuddly creatures doesn’t make a heavy heart feel better, I don’t know what will)!  As silly as the “pet store therapy” may sound, Megan didn’t act like it was silly.  Her “stick-with-me-ness” was what I so much needed.

If you have a friend going through an emotional trial, don’t underestimate what kind of difference your unconditional love and friendship can make for them. 

Being a songwriter, singing and writing songs to Jesus during that time was also an essential part of my healing process.  Whatever your vocation or your passions are, recording your feelings through any type of creative medium (even if it’s simply writing them down in a journal) is therapeutic and freeing. For me, the songs I now have “on the other side of the breakdown” are reminders of the Lord’s faithfulness during that season of difficult journey. I pressed into Him in my songs, and I felt His presence always with me even in the hardest moments, never letting go of my hand.  Now, I can share those songs with others who may be going through a similar kind of struggle.

With God, nothing is ever wasted.  Give it to Him, and He will use it for good!

A song and video I recently released called “Something Beautiful” is an example of what emerged on the other side of the darkness.   First, I had to surrender my struggle…to admit that I couldn’t do it all on my own. When I did, I found comfort in the caring hearts of others to help me, and in my walk with God, He took every burden and scar and made a beautiful testimony out of it.  He made it into “Something Beautiful”.  Give Him your burdens, and He will do the same for you!

If you find yourself in need of emotional help or counseling, here are some recommendations from my personal experience:

  • Find a christian counselor. I cannot tell you how important and helpful this was for me. I knew my counselor was praying for me and seeking wisdom from the Lord to help guide me.

  • Make a scripture notebook. I made a notebook full of scriptures specific to my situation and carried it with me wherever i went. It was pivotal in replacing lies from the enemy! Referring to my notebook and speaking aloud The Truth of God's Word helped me through my weakest moments.

  • Give yourself time. Everyone processes through things differently. Don’t be discouraged if it takes longer than expected.

  • Don’t feel ashamed. There’s no shame in asking for help. This was hard for me to accept, but it was a valuable lesson that I learned through the process.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  -Matt 11: 28-30

Link to “Something Beautiful” video:



About Amanda Blankenship

Amanda’s reSOURCES

Boundaries: When to Say Yes, How To Say No

The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands

Beth Moore’s Breaking Free