Shame Free


By Rachel Barrentine,
singer-songwriter, author & speaker

Shame.  It comes in all shapes, sizes, genders, and backgrounds.

When I was younger, I often felt shame around not being girlie enough. I was such a tomboy, and the whole being girlie thing was not natural to me. I didn't wear the right clothes, walk the right way, or put on enough makeup.

I attempted the girlie hair, too.  My junior high years were full of really TALL bangs and too much hairspray. It wasn't pretty. One day I heard my Heavenly Father's voice say:

Stop trying to be girlie. Just be godly.

Whoa. Shame off me! That re-direction to steer my heart towards being godly was way more important than hairspray. 

Fast forward to the grown-up me at a women’s retreat.  I sat down with some strangers at a dinner table before our first session of the retreat, and within minutes I had made new friends.  It was no coincidence I sat with these particular ladies. 

God often orchestrates ‘divine conversations’ while we are unaware. 

What I didn't know is that these ladies didn't want to be there. They came because their friend made them go. Ha! And here they were, stuck at the table with me…the retreat speaker!

Sometimes, God shows up in our own resistance to provide what we need most.

After I spoke during the session, these same ladies came over to my merchandise table. We began to gab and share stories. Wouldn’t you know…the word "shame" kept dropping into our conversation!

We dove deep, and right in that moment God reminded me of a sermon I had heard by Christine Caine. Her message was "Shame off you!" I passed on those three powerful words and we could feel the presence of God doing something in that moment. I felt Holy Spirit whispering to me (like an internal nudge, or knowing) that He wanted to release His beloved daughters from shame. [Just as an aside, you don't have to have it all together before God can use you. You can be in process —and if you're willing, God will use you to help others gain victory.]

After our conversation finished up, I went back to my camp apartment. Since there was no cell service, Insta, Facebook, or Netflix, I was alone and in the quiet without my usual distractions. I grabbed my guitar and began putting words on a page.

Within an hour, I had penned a song called, "Shame off you." I couldn't believe how effortless the song came. I'm all for inspired writing, but most of the time, songs take perspiration too. This one just fell out of heaven and I got to catch it.

I shared that song the next morning, and you could hear a pin drop. Tears began to flow as the Lord began taking shame off of hearts. Wow.

Shame is powerful when it's not covered by the blood of Jesus. The reason we get so enslaved to this emotion is because without Jesus, it is our reality. When Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, the first thing they did was cover themselves. They were ashamed. 

Sin causes shame, but Jesus takes care of it. 

Romans 3:23 says that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Instead of letting us be lost in our sin and shame, Jesus took all of it upon Himself. He bore it in His body on the cross. He nailed it to the cross and paid the high price for our sin and shame. Our appropriation of this gift, this sacrifice, is what allows us to be completely and permanently shame-free. 

Maybe it's time to hand over our shame. It's covered by the blood of Jesus. Let's come and receive it!

As you listen to this song, I pray the Lord sets you free from every area of shame.

“Shame Off You” song:


Rachel B.

About Rachel Barrentine

Rachel Barrentine poses with a guitar swung over her right shoulder.

Rachel Barrentine is a Nashville-based Singer/Songwriter/Speaker and author
who ignites fresh faith through music, speaking, writing, and laughter.
Check out her website for her news, music and products. 

Rachel’s reSOURCEs

Christine Caine’s message that inspired Rachel’s song:

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Miraculous Motherhood


GUIDANCE: The Art of Dancing With God