Overcoming Cancer With Healing Miracorals


A Q&A interview with Tonya Lynette Stout,
Kingdom Heart Design creator & cancer conqueror

“Although I drink the poison (chemo) it will not harm me. I will stand on snakes and scorpions and lay hands on the sick, and they will be healed. This chemo is doing exactly what it needs to do and it WILL NOT HARM ME.”
Tonya Lynette Stout (Mark 16:18, spoken during every chemo treatment).

LH:  You were the very first official God and My Girlfriends guest blogger.  In your blog, you shared about a God-inspired business idea that was just taking off and has been doing very well and expanding ever since. Little did we know, soon after writing that blog you would get the worst news of your life.

TS: Yes.  A cancer diagnosis.  But from the moment I heard it, I never took ownership of it – I wasn’t going to “have” cancer and it wasn’t going to have me.  When a “bomb” gets dropped in your lap, you become more of who you already are. It’s a beautiful thing to already know His Word before trauma interrupts your life, because if you’re “faith filled”, your faith pours out.  If you’re “fear filled”, your fear pours out.  This is not to say there aren’t fearful moments; there definitely are – and the Bible says “you will have tribulation”.  But when you truly know His promises, you can trump them over the fearful situation.  So, I got three different opinions and prayerfully walked out the journey according to how I felt God leading me.  My husband and I decided we would turn to The Rock, and turn over every rock, because in my faith walk I already knew The Big C is greater than the little c! 

LH:  I want our readers to know exactly how you did that, so this blog is going to be full of resources for them.  But first, I have a question about the Kingdom Heart Design business you had started shortly before your diagnosis.  It involves a lot of physical work and artistry… I can’t imagine how you had the energy to keep painting your Bibles and other products to continue filling orders, all the while going through 15 rounds of chemo?

TS:  When you are connected to the Creator, you want to create.  It was a way to get my mind off of me and focusing on others.  I was able to be creative in my home and pray for others even when I was feeling at my worst.  It was really part of my rest and recovery.  It gave me purpose.  You definitely have to give yourself permission to lay in your bed…but another form of resting is doing what your talents are.

LH:  Wow, what a great perspective.  Rather than wallowing in times of misery, you turned it on its ear!  You made the choice to do something good that could bless others, and in so doing it blessed you. I have never seen anyone walk through a diagnosis like this the way you have.  Along with continuing to paint your Bibles and other products, you started a “Kingdom Chemo Journal” of prayers you were praying for other people while you were in the chemo chair. You were also very intentional about the words you chose to speak and not speak aloud.  You actually changed  the language of people around you… even the doctors and nurses!

TS:   Your words are fruit or poison.  I choose fruit!  So I would ask the sweet nurses to change some words so they were life-giving.  For example, I called the port they put into my chest [for administering chemo] my “porsche” and proclaimed it a vehicle for healing.  One of the drugs I had to take called the red devil, I changed the name to “blue angel” repeating aloud that it will help me and not harm me.  They were speaking those life-giving words right along with me!

LH:  That is wonderful!  I want our readers to hear more firsthand examples from you of how you did this, so I’m providing links for video interviews you’ve done that are having a tremendous impact in helping others in the midst of health crisis. They’ll be shared at the bottom of this blog.  

TS:  It’s amazing how God is taking my story outward to others.  It’s just happening naturally, so I know there is a divine purpose in it and I want to share all I can if it can help others.  From walking through my healing journey, I know firsthand all of the areas of needs, and my family was blessed so much being on the receiving end of some of those needs being met.  I also know where there are gaps, and I want to help fill those gaps for others with the download of ideas God has given me.

LH:  As your friend who has seen all you’ve gone through over the past year, I know what an incredibly strong overcomer you are. I also know how your proactive faith, along with the love and support of your family and loved ones, has been crucial.  Now as you’re on the other side of chemo and surgeries, what impact would you say your girlfriends have had in helping you get through the past year?

TS:  Going through something like this, you realize how amazing community is.  After all, the word "unity" is part of the word commUNITY! We are designed for community.  My true girlfriends have been incredible and have done what "love does” unconditionally.  Unless you've walked it, nobody really understands the emotional component of the journey…it is probably the hardest part of it all. Having girlfriends come alongside of you is something you can't put into words on this side of heaven.

LH:  I know you are writing a book about your journey, which I can’t wait to read and share with others!  God has also given you a brand new idea that you are bringing to life alongside your Kingdom Heart Design business.  What is this new thing you are in the process of launching?  

TS:  It’s a “for purpose “ organization called MiraCORAL, represented by a coral ribbon.  The mission is to help people in crisis.  Financially, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.  I also have some new product ideas I am excited about that will be launching soon.  They will be announced on my website when they are ready.  [see all of Tonya’s reSOURCEs at bottom].

LH:  Why the coral color? 

TS:  There will be more about this in my book, but in a nutshell it was all God’s idea!  His ideas are always better than anything I could come up with.  All of the ribbons out there are a color representing a type of “cancer awareness”, and God revealed to me early on that we need a ribbon that brings more awareness to hope, healing, His promises, and His miracles!  Also, one that brings focus to the patient who is walking through it – not just the cancer or drug trials, money for more research etc.  I love how the “Miracoral” ribbon can be paired with other ribbons--one shows “here is the diagnosis” and the other shows “but I believe in miracles!” Miracles can happen both supernaturally and naturally, through the hands and feet of Jesus.

LH:  Can you give a few examples of how your MiraCORAL organization will help others?

TS:   On the practical side of examples, helping with rides to appointments for people who don’t have someone with them.  Helping pay for gas to appointments.  On the emotional and spiritual and physical side, providing Miracoral Care Packages at different points in their journey.  

LH:  This is a FABULOUS idea!  I can’t wait to reSOURCE your Miracoral organization to others once it is launched. And I KNOW your book is going to change peoples’ lives, just as your video interviews are already doing!  In the meantime, I’d love to close this blog with some take-away tips from you for our readers.  So many times, we are at a loss for what to say or do when someone we love gets this kind of news.  Until your MiraCORAL Care Packages are available, could you share some ideas for how someone could make their own DIY care basket?

Tonya’s DIY “Healing Care” Package

A Spiral Journal/Notebook with storage pockets in it.  “I recommend to people that they take this with them to EVERY appointment, starting from Day 1, recording data, information, dates, all the way through the process of treatment they are getting (whether traditional, holistic, or integrative) and writing down how they are feeling. So much information comes flying at you that a lot will not be remembered.  It’s important to document every doctor’s appt, every phone call, etc. and use a section to journal your thoughts and feelings.  My routine had a lot of journaling time while waiting to go back into the chemo room.

Index cards with healing scriptures“Write scriptures on cards and put them inside a pocket of the journal.  Encourage your loved one to speak healing scriptures aloud every day, because the Bible says ‘there is death and life in the power of the tongue’ (Proverbs 18:21) and it matters what we speak over ourselves. I also found it helpful to write them out myself, both on cards and on my bathroom mirror with a mirror marker.  Fear will try to rule your mind during and after, so you must take your thoughts captive as the Bible says to do (2 Corinthians 10:5) and replace the fear thoughts with what Scripture says!

God’s Creative Power Healing booklet, by Charles Capps:  “This is one of my favorite small booklets that already has healing scriptures in it, and will easily fit in a sleeve or pocket of the journal.  You want everything to be right at their fingertips, so they can easily carry it with them to appointments and treatments to read and meditate on.”

Set up a Meal Train , or add healthy options of food gift cards.  I personally use Aim Juicing Products (beet, carrots & barley).  

Gas cards, grocery store and restaurant gift cards. You don’t know how much gas cards and grocery store cards mean to you until you’re in a time when you have so many added expenses and may not be able to work while you’re going through it.

Epsom Salts and Lavender.  I took a bath with these every night and it really helped for relaxing, relieving pain and discomfort.  

A wrap or weighted blanket.  “If you know that chemo is part of the treatment plan, this is a comforting gift to give.  It keeps you very warm when you get cold during chemo treaments.” [Store-bought Link included, or contact Tonya for custom-made blanket information].

A silk pillow case. “This is another comforting gift to give if chemo is part of the treatment plan.  When hair falls out and starts growing back, you don’t want your head on any kind of rough fabric.” 

Herbal (non-aluminum) deodorant.  “Herbal deodorant will not conflict with chemo.  If people want to know my favorite, they can contact me.”

Bottles of alkaline water.  “Whether or not chemo is part of the treatment, drinking water that is PH balanced is a good to practice to support the body in healing.  I drank alkaline water ABUNDANTLY and I know it had a huge impact on detoxing my body.”

Chapstick, body lotion and mouth spray.  “Lips, skin and mouth get very dry during chemo.  Mouth sores and canker sores are common and can be very painful.  A mint mouth spray mixed with alkaline water can be helpful in preventing mouth sores.  I never got a single sore with the one I used, and I gave it out to other people in the chemo chairs to help them.  It’s called Cool Shots, and people can contact me about how to get it.”

Streaming Music. You don’t think about what an impact music can have until you’re in a chemo chair. During chemo treatment, I would listen to healing music and praise & worship on You Tube Music or Amazon.  In the chemo room, a CD player is not going to be practical so streaming music is best.  If you are a tech savvy person, you can create a playlist of this kind of music for your friend and name it for them, or just send them some YouTube links they can click on and listen to with their headphones.  [Special note about music: Keep an eye out for a new Country Christian “gospel vibe” music project from Tonya, also coming soon to be announced on her website]. 

LH:  This is such great information to be “hands on” in showing a loved one who is going through a diagnosis like this that you care and are there for them!  Thank you for sharing it with us.  You are an amazing inspiration, girlfriend! 

About Tonya Lynette Stout

Tonya Lynette Stout poses in a white dress on a beach with a veil with her husband and three daughters. The are all wearing purple leis.

 Tonya Lynette Stout is the founder and creator of Kingdom Heart Design products and, after a journey through breast cancer, is forming a new “MiraCORAL” organization. She is passionate about songwriting, singing, playing guitar, painting, interior design, and encouraging others. She is a wife and mom who considers her Number One “mission field” to be time with family — around the table, in the car, or sitting on a bed talking with her three daughters. For more information, visit www.tonyalynettestout.com

Tonya’s reSOURCEs

Tonya’s Video Story - Filmed by Keesee Ministries at Strong Haven Silo

Tonya’s interview with Unbreakable Soul

Kingdom Heart Design products, custom made by Tonya Lynette Stout


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