GAMGstories by Lisa Hentrich

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Jordan Miracles

By Lashea Colson,
pastor, speaker & songwriter

“Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” - Joshua 4:5

The Jordan River is known as a place of “transition”.

Several years ago, I had the opportunity to visit the spot where the Israelites crossed the Jordan under the command of Joshua.  When I first saw the river, I thought….this is not a river, this is a creek.  I could literally step over it.  What I did not realize was the Jordan River had different seasons. I happened to be there during the dry season.

The Israelites, on the other hand, were at the Jordan River during “the flood and harvest” season, when rushing and raging, treacherous waters were flowing.  The flood season waters were deep, wide and fast. Under Joshua’s command, he told the Israelites to consecrate themselves.  This involved physically washing with water, changing their clothes, and anointing themselves with oil. These physical actions were an outward demonstration of what was happening spiritually:

The washing with water was a representation of a pure and clean spirit. The changing of clothes represented a change of mindset, and the anointing of oil represented having the mind of the Lord.

The priests went first carrying the Ark of the Covenant, and the waters parted. They positioned themselves in the middle of the river and did not move until hundreds of thousands of Israelites crossed the Jordan.  During this supernatural parting of the waters, the water flowing to the Dead Sea was cut off, while the river flowing upward stood up in a liquid heap.  Then, with the priests being last to cross, the river resumed its flow again.  When Israel's enemies heard of the water parting, they became so fearful that they could not face the Israelites!

There are tremendous lessons for our own lives from this story.

First, ask yourself what season you are in.  If you are in a flood season, and someone else is in a dry season with “a creek” of just enough water, they may not understand the miracles that you are needing in your life. Just as I saw a creek and did not, at first, understand the flood season, my perception diminished the miracle that took place there on that spot of the Jordan. Never allow someone else’s season, or their perception of your season, to impact your miracle!  Have girlfriends around you who can recognize your season and walk out your reality with you.

Secondly, put God FIRST.  The priests went before the people, positioning themselves in the middle of the Jordan River.  After all the people had crossed over, the priests were the last to cross.  God’s Word goes before us, behind us, and He is always working in the middle.  Often when we have a new idea or assignment, it is in the middle of the journey that we grow weary and begin to doubt.  So the priests stood in the middle and DID NOT move, to remind the people that God’s Word is true and that He is a man of His word and will not lie. Have girlfriends around you who will encourage you to not give up on the dreams God has put in your heart.  It may become wearisome and difficult, but encourage each other with loyalty and the Word of the Lord.

Thirdly, remember how the Dead Sea water was cut off.  Do you have a girlfriend who can speak truth to you?  Are there any areas of your life that are dead?  Are there any areas of your life that need to be cut off?  Who is that girlfriend that empowers you so much that she is willing to tell you to cut off things in your life that are dead?  

Fourth, consider if you need a mindset change. Who challenges your mindset without you getting offended?  Before the Israelites crossed the Jordan, they were still in the desert on the side of Egypt. They still thought like slaves bound in Egypt… but when they crossed the Jordan and the river closed up and began to flow again, they had to change their mindsets and thinking process in order to enter Canaan.

You cannot enter into Canaan (your promise) if your mind is still in Egypt (bondage).

The Jordan River not only brought transition from Moses to Joshua, from Egypt to Canaan, but it also was the same place of transition that Elijah transferred his mantle to Elisha and the waters parted again (2 Kings 2:13-15).  Is there a younger girlfriend are you mentoring and speaking into their lives?  Someone needs just a few minutes of your time to encourage them to grow into their full calling.

Lastly, John the Baptist was baptizing people in the Jordan River when a man named Jesus stepped into the water to be baptized… and at that moment, the waters parted again…only this time, it was not the waters of the Jordan River parting.  It was the waters in the sky!

The clouds (water) rolled back and the heavens opened, and a dove appeared as the Holy Spirit. (The Holy Spirit is symbolized as 4 things in the Bible: water, oil, fire and a dove).            After His baptism, Jesus began His ministry. What girlfriend celebrates your special moments, and new things being birthed, with you?  

God has given us girlfriends in our lives to share “Jordan Miracles!”

Encourage your girlfriends to consecrate themselves with purity and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Speak truth to each other even when it is hard.  Mentor a younger you. Shift mindsets together to have the mind of the Lord.  Go after miracles together that open up the heavens…and that send your enemies running in fear!

Celebrate your girlfriends that God gave to you. Then you and your girlfriends will celebrate God, Who will do amazing things in and among you!

About LaShea Colson

LaShea Colson is a wife, mom, pastor, songwriter and speaker with a specific calling of teaching and drawing out "water and oil" knowledge from God's Word. She has a book in the works that will soon be available!