GAMGstories by Lisa Hentrich

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Be Diligent

By Megan DeJarnett

At the beginning of every year, I ask God for a word.  A word meaning, something planted in my heart by Him that I can always come back to and know it’s part of His plan for my life.

Here’s the word I received for 2020:  BE DILIGENT.

Let’s rewind back to the start of 2019.  God put a BIG dream in my heart, out of nowhere.  I suddenly had a desire to write a children’s book.  Not just any book, but one that would be a helpful tool for both parents and kids.  One that redefines the word “normal” in a way that builds a bridge of understanding, compassion and inclusiveness with people who have disabilities or differences.  Having lived my life in a wheelchair (see my story Promises Over Prognosis) and being a mom of two boys with one having special needs, I am passionate about this purpose.

So… I was excited and ready to bring this dream to life!  Then, tragedy hit.  A few months into the beginning, my 24 year- old brother unexpectedly passed away.  He would be 26 years old today, on May 5th.  This tragedy was a tremendous setback, something I wasn’t sure I’d be able to fully recover from due to our circumstances and the closeness of our relationship (see more of this story in my personal blog, The Saturday Shock).

I had a choice.  I could let my sorrow and pain of loss keep me in a dark hole…or I could move forward WITH it as part of my story.  I remember being asked, just a few days later while in Arizona for my brother’s funeral, to be the main speaker at an upcoming event.  At the time I didn’t feel I had much to share with the world, outside of pain.  But I felt a nudge to say yes.  I knew if I thought about it I’d say no, but I remembered I’d made a promise to God I would always share my story, no matter how hard it was.  So I said yes, I got up in front of a group of people in the midst of my healing and grieving process and encouraged them to pursue life and life abundantly, no matter what was thrown their way.

As life went on after my brother’s passing, I was faced with whether or not to pick up the book dream again.  Perhaps being even more determined in remembrance of my brother, I knew that I had to.  It took a lot of hard work and saving every penny possible, putting our own finances into the launch of my book and brand. But in February of this year, I DID IT!

Then…another blow.  Two weeks after my book and new brand launched, our world shut down with a pandemic. Not a great time to launch a business!  There was a flurry of activity at first, but then…crickets.  The sudden silence from our “target audience” was like an echo…coming also from me… as I shut down personally.  The momentum had come to a screeching halt, and I felt like it’s impossible to succeed in the face of these circumstances, out of my control.

Then, I heard it ringing inside of me.  My “word” for 2020 I’d been given.  “Be Diligent. I’ll take care of the rest.”

OK God, I thought, beginning again what I thought was finished. I’m taking this challenge.  I’m going to work diligently and give this back to You!

So, here I am.  Remembering the word God gave me.  Being diligent and trusting Him to take care of the rest.

I’m proud of my new children’s book, “No Such Thing as Normal.”  I believe every parent, teacher, school, library and church needs the message it has to offer….

And if you’re still reading this, I challenge YOU.  What has God said to you?  Be diligent with it, and He will take care of the rest!

About Megan DeJarnett

Megan Dejarnett is a wife, mom, and marketing maverick. She was crowned Ms. Wheelchair Tennessee 2020 and loves sharing her story for God’s glory. She recently published a children’s book titled “No Such as Normal”, fulfilling a passion in her heart to create a tool that fosters understanding and inclusiveness with people who have disabilities or differences. Learn more about her book and brand at

Meg’s reSOURCEs:

Meg’s book and products:

Follow on Instagram and @mswheelchairtn2020

Meg’s personal blog: TinyHandedLife

Guest blog Promises Over Prognosis

Ms. Wheelchair TN